


CIA 小记

2015-11-09 8373人浏览







      Should I tell you something ? Do you wanna know what I think about my life here? Well,you’re reading my essay, so I’ll assume you do.

       I stayed in CIA for a long time and we know each other for 6 months. Its not short time to everyone. 

 Yes! You are right, I already studied in CIA for 6 months. While you’re reading this essay I guess I am in China already .

      There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. I have lots of amazing memories I won’t forget . Why?    In 6 months,we can change something,that’s enough time.       

If you want to do something, you can! Here, you can learn English more and more. There are 3 courses ESL,TOEIC and IESL.These can make your English improve. For a thing, I have stayed in ESL for 3 months, and then I decided to join TOEIC! Exactly, I didn’t know TOEIC before. Don’t be shocked because it’s true. I am from China and this course is not common in my country. However, let me explain my reasons. I mean why I decided to study TOEIC?  The first reason is I want to try a new course. At first. I just planned to study TOEIC for 1 month. But I made a mistake, about what?  TOEIC is a very good course.Why? because of it I improved my listening skill!  Thus, I stayed in TOEIC for long time--14 weeks, until my graduation! I’m in-love with TOEIC. I love TOEIC teachers because they’re very friendly and kind. Even if someone isn’t your teacher, she/he can help you directly. They always told me that,in here,TOEIC is our family! Yes,frankly speaking, I was really enjoying TOEIC life while I was in CIA,

      AS far as we know, CIA-CEBU International Academy, deserves the name. It has so many international students, namely, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and a few Arabian. I think that it’s great!  We can easily make foreign friends here It will help your English and  you will know about foreign cultures. Just think about this way, why you come here?  What’s your plan in coming? If you can find answers with these questions, you will get more interesting life here. Anyway, CIA has so many activities, like speaking contest, Zumba,general meeting and Volunteer Activity.I just hope you will have fun in here,if you are planing to stay here.

     Still now,i always talk about study, let’s us change other topic,how about life in here? Actually, I don’t like this topic. 6 months, i already made so many friends in here, students, teachers staffs, also some managers. when some of my friends, they left here, i always felt sad, but it’s life,we should understand it. As one thing, my girls generation,group of 5 Korean girls, we were batch mater, also close friends.And my ex-chum, he is funny Korean man, he is very kind to me,even if sometimes,i can’t understand his English directly, hahaha, if you saw this one,pls,don’t kill me . We often go out together, it’s not about nationality or etc, i really miss my friends still now, on the other hand, we are going to keep in touch with each other, even though we are in different country.

    I know I want to share all experience to you, but it’s difficult, the best way is you try to do it, make your great memory with them, with your life.Everything will be useful, and these could help you more stronger!

     On the last part, To my CIA teachers and friends: Do your best, my friends! Thank you guys for everything! That’s from Chinese student-Leo, i hope the best thing will be coming to you, we already made a great friendship in here! I will always encourage you guys to do everything well,Fighting! Thank you so much!

   To you,  new guys:

Probably you won’t know who I am ,who am I really, what am i like.however,should ever be forgot, We are told to remember the idea and not,  i even though i don’t know you, and even though i may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you or drink with you, i will encourage you to do everything well, with all my heart.



我来自中国,其实在国内菲律宾游学并不是很热门,国人担心危险居多,但是我并不这么觉得,游学 在我理解中的意思是,边享受边学习,的确 我很享受这边的生活.我可以利用每次外出的机会去实践提高自己的英语,学习并不是一定要在课堂上才能进步,融入生活,我会发觉更多关于学习英语的乐趣.

回归正题,题为小记>,那就不得不提提关于在这里的乐趣.我比较喜欢新鲜事物,在这里有很多来自不同国家的学生,日本 韩国 台湾 越南以及少数的阿拉伯学生.每个地方都有一些特别的文化风俗,如果你感兴趣,可以多多交流与他们,不仅提高自己实战英语水平,又能结识更多朋友.真真切切的Cebu international academy.

如果说有什么不同点 对比国内学习英语和菲律宾学习英语.我的主观感受是:在这里,如果你不准备随时开口讲英语,那便如异类进入了另一个文化圈.当然,如果你只是喜欢和同国家或同语言的同学相处,那就没有任何异议,但是别忘记了我们来这里的目的是什么.


怕学习枯燥? CIA也有足够的课余生活,每天晚上都有gym开放,周二和周四还有zumba,足够应对锻炼身体.每个月还有演讲比赛和听写测试,当然重在参与,在我看来这便是测试自己英语的一个自我测试.

游学,说了下学,也得说下游,周末可以和同学组织去其他place旅游,21,也足够开心.和几个不同国籍的同学出去,也是一种难得的体验,旅游 聚餐 参观,基本便是‘游’这个字的精髓.当然也是你得你自己去体会.

